How to Prepare for the Week Ahead

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We often celebrate the big clean slate that a new year brings, but the beginning of a new week can also incite new energy and purpose within ourselves. As we constantly take action towards our goals throughout the year, we need time to pause, revaluate and plan, including on a weekly basis. And crafting a reflective, yet restful Sunday routine is the perfect way to do so.

Each Sunday I spend moments of the day preparing for the upcoming week. I try to make each activity as relaxing as possible — usually I drink a matcha latte in the morning while I wash my laundry and listen to music or my favorite podcast while I tidy up my space. The key is to make these productive parts of your Sunday routine peaceful in order to feel refreshed for the upcoming week.

If you’re ready to feel confident about your week ahead, here are my tips for how to prepare for a new week.

A Mindful Way To Start The Week

Optimizing every moment of your day can lead to stress and burnout. Although my Sunday routine helps me prepare for a new week, I don’t let it dictate my day. Some weekends I don’t get around to doing everything on my list, but that’s okay. Prioritizing rest over productivity is more important for enjoying the end of my weekend.

An important part of my Sunday routine is limiting technology. I try to avoid scrolling on social media, sending emails, and working on my blog when possible. This always improves my mood and keeps me more mindful. If you find yourself spending your Sundays on your phone or computer, consider trying a digital detox or incorporating more tech-free activities into your weekend.



Replenishing your closet with clean, folded clothes will make it so easy to get dressed through out the week. Do a few loads of laundry in the morning, let them dry during the day, then fold and put them away before bed.

If you don’t want to manage numerous loads of laundry on Sunday, choose just one load to wash, whether it’s your bed sheets, towels, etc. I always hand wash my lingerie as part of my Sunday routine as I find it quite therapeutic.

Tidy Up Your Space

Start your week with a tidy environment. Decluttering your space = decluttering your mind, so think of cleaning as a mental refresher too. Your cleaning routine will look different depending on your space, but everyone can benefit from focusing on large spaces i.e. don’t fret over arranging the smallest details of your environment. Adopting a minimalist approach can also help make tidying up much easier — when you have fewer things, you’ll also have fewer things to clean.


Create a Nourishing Menu

Meal planning is a great way to save time in the week and avoid relying on processed, unhealthy foods. Choose easy, nourishing recipes based on your own diet. I skip breakfast most mornings and opt for a big lunch, so I select 2 lunch recipes and 2 dinner recipes for the week. Avoid planning for too many meals and purchasing too much produce. I’ve found doing a mid-week grocery trip is always better than buying all my fresh fruits and vegetables for the week at once.

Browse your favorite cookbooks and food blogs for new ideas. After you’ve find a few recipes you are excited to try, organize your grocery list. Visit the grocery store or farmer’s market right away or schedule a grocery trip for Monday.

Catch Up on Your Reading and Watch Lists

If you save articles or videos throughout the week, spend your Sunday catching up on your lists. I like to watch the videos in my YouTube “Watch later” playlist while I cook and clean. Then I check through my bookmarked articles, podcasts and even Pinterest pins. Create a similar routine for your favorite platforms, and you’ll keep up-to-date on your saved content.


Organize Finances

Take control of your finances by creating a monthly budget and reviewing your spending each week. I check what I spend by using a simple spreadsheet and add any forgotten purchases from the past week. Then I adjust my budget for the next week based on my previous spending and monitor areas where I am overspending or reaching my financial goals. Reviewing your budget weekly makes it easier to keep everything in order for when you evaluate your finances at the end of the month.

Reflect on the Past Week

Before you begin planning for the week ahead, take a look at your past week and ask yourself some questions. Am I happy with how this week went? What went well this week? What could be improved for next week? Where did I spend most of my time and money? What goals did I achieve? Writing about these questions can help you identify both positive and negative aspects in your week and create goals for the next one.

Make a List of Goals

After tackling the previous tasks, sit down and map out your goals for the next week. Review your monthly goals for any items you can focus on this week. Brainstorm some realistic goals you can to achieve. Don’t forget to check your calendar and past week’s goals as you prepare your list for the week. My weekly goals usually include exercising five days, reading a book, and calling at least one friend. Your shorter term goals should also align with your long term goals, so look at your vision boards for extra inspiration.


The Mindful Sunday Routine


How do you prepare for a new week? Let me know in the comments below.


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